It a fact automated external defibrillators (AEDs) save lives during a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) event. It’s thought that nearly 60% of SCAs are witnessed and the victim could benefit greatly if an AED was nearby. It is well known that most hospitals have several AED devices placed strategically throughout their facility with a well-managed response team and protocols in place to manage the upkeep of the AED and correctly follow procedures should the device be used for life-saving intervention.AED Tracker

Hospitals, however, are not the location where AEDs have the most impact. This is because 85% of SCAs begin outside of healthcare settings. AEDs are now in schools, office buildings, gyms, shopping centers, golf courses, and aquatic centers—locations where it is less likely a trained responder is on-site and ready to use the AED if an event occurred.

Guidelines for AED placement is not strictly followed and therefore, in the event of an emergency, it can be difficult to locate the device. Ideally, AEDs need to be placed strategically to ensure the greatest number of people can see, access, and use the device should an event occur. Research indicates that the drop-to-shock time should be three minutes; each additional minute reduces survival chances by 10%.  — the Red Cross reports that the average response time for 911 calls is 8-12 minutes–up to three times the recommended time to shock.

That is why 911 agencies typically require strict reporting of locations and condition of AEDs so they can point you in the right direction should you require it. Unfortunately, registration requirements can be confusing and vary between agencies.

ATS HeartCheck is very familiar with the ways AED programs fail rather than succeed, and can help you avoid those situations. For example, many facilities have personnel who are designated to respond should the AED be needed, but these individuals are not always available when an SCA happens. Registering your AED can help 911 operators instruct callers on locating and using the devices to deliver aid to the victim in just a few minutes, critical minutes before first responders arrive.

Unfortunately, many facilities with AEDs don’t have a team overseeing the registration process, ensuring the AED’s location is known by the local EMS team and is in working order. Sadly, we find many facility managers and AED owners are simply not aware of the registration process.

This lack of awareness isn’t the only obstacle to registering AEDs. Many of the individuals responsible for the devices don’t know how to register their AED, and the directives for registering the device can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer or state to state. Complicating the matter further, not all manufacturer’s communicate with all 911 operators.

AEDs need services, routine tests, reporting after an incident, registration, medical authorization, and more. The benefit of using an AED management program, like the ATS AED Tracker, is time, money, and most importantly-lives saved.

Give ATS a call to discuss how our program can help you SAVE MORE!  

(888) 537-2597

AED Management Programs Save More

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